Tuesday, January 19, 2010

i have many thoughts!

its 7:39pm in california. it feels really late but thats probably cause i took a shower really early =/one word.. chad. *big sigh* DAYYYYUMMMM!!! that boy is like hot i think i've talked to him like once? hes friends with my friends soooo i got connections hehe

i is retarded


it's been rainy for 2 days now... the weather dude said it was gonna be rainy all week =/ good, bad? i dont fxckin know. <----haha the blogger people cant get me on that one cause i used "X" hehe. mischif (theres no way in h3ll that i spelled that right)

dude all my guy friends met my cousin (whos 20 somethin years old) and they were all like jizzing there pants and i'm just like "....awkward..."

theres this guy mark... he asked me out right and i said no cause im kinda goin out with someone and my friend vy is like "why didnt you say yes?" and i'm like "dude i have a bigger dick then him" (if i get someone asking me if i have a dick i'm going answer honestly. yes i have a dick bcause since i'm a girl that makes perfect sence *note my sarcasm*)

...i'm tired.. and i probably gonna read this later and regret talking like a complete retard.. well anyways peace homes
