Sunday, May 30, 2010

5.14.10/ pain??

ow i bit my nail today and it was bleeding (haha nicole) and now it really fuckkin hurts!

but anyways imma go see some bands today... (hella boring)

-song of the day- airplanes by B.O.B ft Hailey williams and eminem

i think all of you should watch 'crazy emo chick' by shane dawson its soooo funny!!!

"can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars" <3

ow i cut like a chunck out of my thumb


ohhh and nicole knows who nathan is hes amazing,sweet,cute,cool and just perfect<3
i've been going out with him since 5.14.10 but sadly the last day of school is also the last day of us :( i love you nathan

1 comment:

  1. yay! u posted!!!
    sorry im late im on my way so dont close that gate
    if i dont make that than i switch my flight
    and ill be rite back at it by the end of the nite
